Sunday, December 18, 2011

I don't have much time to post, but I wanted to take a second to upload some pictures from our last ultrasound on Friday. Everything looks great! Baby girl is measuring in the 50th percentile so that's perfect! The placenta has moved up, so no more worries about placenta previa...whew! I got my rhogam shot. It wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't too bad either. All in all things went well. I go back in two weeks!

So here are some pictures. We got a video of the entire ultrasound as well which is awesome because you can actually see her moving. I am so glad R asked if they would do that for us. What a great keepsake! I have already watched it twice! I am so obsessed with this little baby already!

So for your viewing pleasure....


3D picture...these always creep me out a little bit!


Anatomy lesson...

When she woke up she became very camera shy and stayed like this the whole time...Hands and feet in front of her face. We all knew she would be stubborn!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Looks like baby girl is doing great! So great you have a video of this. Have a merry xmas!

  2. Hi Becca - Thanks for the info! I will keep it in mind. I did get a massage on Thursday and it seems to have helped, but if I get any other back aches and pains, I know where to go! My 7th grade boyfriend is a chiropractor in Oxford, so I think it would be too weird to go to him, so it's good to find someone else I could use :) Hope you are feeling well! I can't believe how far we have come from this time last year!
